Universal Extractor

7-Zip component is now insecure (needs to be updated to v. 4.57 current version)

Secunia Software Inspector keeps complaining at me because the 7-zip component of Universal Extractor is now insecure, i.e. it needs to be updated to v. 4.57 due to a security problem with earlier versions. Any chance the 7-zip component of Universal Extractor can be updated to the current version? If that is not possible at this time, can I update it (directly) manually on my PC?

ALL Context entries have disappeared

Hi, just posted this on BetaNews:

EDIT 11/23/07 re below quote:

1. Bobad: there is one main UniExtract shortcut in Send To, if all else fails.

2. BUT more importantly to the author:
Bobad may be on to something here-- my context menu entries for Universal Extractor have disappeared(for .zip, .msi & .exe), on Vista Home Premium Sp1. I've tried reinstalling, w/ all possible context entries enabled and .zip associated w/ it, of course-- to no avail.

Of note-- may help you-- re related programs:

    Others having issues--

PeaZip: all entries disappeared as well HOWEVER, all Send To entries still in place.
ZipInstaller: context entry ONLY appears after archive is opened & listed in Explorer 'Folder' Pane-- ALTHOUGH ONLY if right-clicked from that side, NOT if right-clicked in File pane.
ExtractNow context entries have disappeared for .exe files, but for .zip have NOT disappeared.
7Zip main context 'name' entry is still there, BUT its command submenu NEVER LOADS.

Other related programs

    "still functioning properly(each/all the very latest release, even if beta/rc/etc.)"--

#7Z, AlZip, IzArc, GSplit.

A. Universal Extractor, even before reinstall, was the last program of its kind installed.
B. SP1 for Vista was only installed 2 days ago.
C. Universal Extractor was upgraded to this Beta, w/ no issues, from the day it was released to the public.

Dollars to Doughnuts this is a Vista change issue--

1. NO such issues on WinXP SP3

2. Going by MS deadline to programmers to comply with all Vista OS changes: something along the lines that 'initially' older programs could still run normally w/ some older behaviors allowed & expected folder locations still in place... until xx date.

Reviewer: bobad Aug 13, 2007
Version: 1.6 Beta

Very good program. Extremely useful. My only wish is that it have a Context Menu item for "Open With Uni Extractor". That way you could peek inside a compilation without extracting the whole thing. Drag-and-drop would be excellent too, but I don't know if that's possible unless ported to a full programming language. Give it a 4.6/5 :)
Rating: 5

What's funny about all this is that a not recently updated prog like IzArc has no such issues, yet some of the more constantly-updated ones, like 7zip suffer.

PS I love Universal Extractor... and i have a ton of computers & OSes, feel free to use me to troubleshoot.

G'Luck, all the best,

charles langer msmvp

Edit by jbreland: cleaned up the invalid tags so the post will display with proper formatting on this forum

v1.6 beta - Unable to unpack Inno Setup file

I'm trying to unpack an Inno Setup installer thats suspected of malware, but UE has presented an error telling me it doesn't support the Inno version used?

Signature detected: Inno Setup Setup Data (5.1.13)
This is not directly supported, but i'll try to unpack it as version 5110
; Version detected: 5113
Critical error: The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program.
Unpacking failed. This version is not supported.

Are there any plans to add support for this and newer versions of Inno?

Universal Extractor Slovenian language file

Hello all.
Thanks for making the program.

Here is a coded slovenian translation, until it's included into the release
If you need the slovenian translation, copy the stuff, make new text file named "slovenian.ini" in the "lang" folder, Open it up and paste. Save the file and now you can use this language in this great program too :D

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Universal Extractor Language File
; Written for Universal Extractor 1.5
; Author: Jared Breland
; Homepage: http://www.legroom.net/mysoft
; Translation to Slovenian language: Renato Rener
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; GUI labels and buttons
OK_BUT = "&V redu"
CANCEL_BUT = "&Prekliči"
MAIN_ARCHIVE_LABEL = "Beleži razpakirane ar&hive"
MAIN_DEBUG_LABEL = "&Zapiši razhroščevalno datoteko v"
MAIN_DEST_DIR_LABEL = "&Ciljna mapa:"
MAIN_FILE_LABEL = "&Arhiv/Namestitelj za razpakiranje:"
MAIN_PREFS_LABEL = "%s Nastavitve"
METHOD_ADMIN_RADIO = "%s Administratorski Namestitelj"
METHOD_EXTRACTION_RADIO = "%s razpakiranje"
METHOD_HEADER = "%s Razpakiranje"
METHOD_MSI_REQUIRES_LABEL = "msi2xml zahteva"
METHOD_WISE_REMOVE = "Odstrani začasne datoteke, ki jih je razpakiral WUN"
METHOD_APPEND = "Poskusi dodati manjkajoče končnice datotek"
METHOD_RADIO_LABEL = "Razpakirna Metoda"
METHOD_SWITCH_RADIO = "%s stikalo"
METHOD_TEXT_LABEL = "%s podpira naslednje načina razpakiranja %s paketov. Na žalost, ni nobena od teh metod 100% zanesljiva. Če izgleda da privzeti način ne deluje, prosim znova zaženi %s in izberi drugi način."
METHOD_UNPACKER_RADIO = "%s Razpakirnik"

; GUI control functions
DOES_NOT_EXIST = "ne obstaja.%n"
EXTRACT_TO = "Razpakiraj v"
INVALID_DIR_SELECTED = "%s ni veljavna mapa."
INVALID_FILE_SELECTED = "%sProsim izberi veljavno ime."
OPEN_FILE = "Odpri datoteko"
SELECT_FILE = "Izberi datoteko"
WRITE_TO = "Zapiši v"

; Common terms
TERM_ARCHIVE = "arhiv"
TERM_COMPRESSED = "stisnjen"
TERM_DISK = "disk"
TERM_EBOOK = "eknjiga"
TERM_ECARD = "erazglednica"
TERM_ENCODED = "kodiran"
TERM_EXECUTABLE = "izvršljiv"
TERM_FAILED = "spodletelo"
TERM_HELP = "pomoč"
TERM_HOTFIX = "popravek"
TERM_IMAGE = "slika"
TERM_INSTALLER = "namestitelj"
TERM_PACKAGE = "paket"
TERM_PATCH = "popravek"
TERM_SFX = "samo-razširljiv"
TERM_STAGE = "Stage"
TERM_TESTING = "Testiranje"
TERM_UNKNOWN = "neznano"
TERM_UPDATER = "posodabljanje"

; Status messages
SCANNING_FILE = "Pregled datoteke za določitev vrste datoteke."
SCANNING_EXE = "Pregled datoteke z %s pregledom."
EXTRACTING = "Razpakiranje datotek iz:"
INIT_WAIT = "Čakam da namestitelj začne.%nProsim počakaj."

; Custom prompts
CONVERT_BIN_CUE = "BIN/CUE CD-ROM slike ni bilo možno direktno razpakirati. Slika%nbo spremenjena v ISO CD-ROM sliko, ki bo potem razpakirana.%n%nŽeliš nadaljevati?%nZabeležka: Ta proces bo trajal nekaj minut."
CONVERT_BIN_MISSING = "Napaka: Ni najden:%n%s\%s.%s%n%nObe %s.bin in cue %s.sta potrebni."
CONVERT_BIN_STAGE1_FAILED = "Napaka: BIN/CUE slike ni bilo možno razpakirati.%nProsim prepričaj se da je CUE pravilno formatiran."
CONVERT_BIN_STAGE2_FAILED = "Napaka: ISO slika je bila ustvarjena iz BIN/CUE slike, a ni mogla biti razpakirana.%nŽeliš ohraniti sliko za nadaljnjo raziskavo?"
IS_CACHE_PROMPT = "Izgleda kot InstallShield paket, a razpakiranje je spodletelo.%nMorda je možno razpakirati datoteke iz tega namestitelja, z zagonom v načinu "cache".%n%nŽeliš preizkusiti ta način?"
ACROREAD_PROMPT = "Ta datoteka izgleda Adobe Reader namestitelj, zapakiran z Netopsystems FEAD Optimizer-jem.%nMorda je možno razpakirati namestitvene datoteke z zagonom namestitelja in potem kopirati začasne datoteke.%n%nŽeliš preizkusiti ta način?"
INIT_COMPLETE = "Initialization %s. Prosim zapusti namestitelja, zatem klikni "V redu" za nadaljevanje."
WISE_MSI_PROMPT = "Zabeležka: Ta metoda deluje le z "Wise for Windows Installer" paketi.%nČe "Wise Installation Wizard" začne in preprosto čaka na vnos, ta datoteka ni%npodprta. Prosim zapusti namestitelja %s bo opustil razpakiranje.%n%nnŽeliš nadaljevati?"
UNPACK_PROMPT = "Ta datoteka je zapakirana s %s kompresijo, a ni mogoče razpakirati.%nMorda zato, ker ta vrsta datotek ni podprta, ali ker%nsploh ni datotek za razpakiranje.%n%nAli hočeš razpakirati to datoteko?%n%nZabeležka: Razpakirana datoteka bo imenovana:%n%s\%s_unpacked.%s"
UNPACK_FAILED = "Napaka: %s%nNi bilo možno razpakirati."

; Help text
HELP_SUMMARY = "Razpakiraj datoteke iz vsakega arhiva ali namestitelja."
HELP_SYNTAX = "%nUporaba: %s [/help] [ime:datoteke [cilj]]"
HELP_ARGUMENTS = "%n%nPodprta stikala:"
HELP_HELP = "%n /help%t%tPrikaz te pomoči"
HELP_FILENAME = "%n filename%tIme datoteke za razpakiranje"
HELP_DESTINATION = "%n ciljna%tMapa v katero razpakiraj"
HELP_SUB = "%n%nPodajanje /sub namesto navodila o ciljni mapi%n%s razpakiraj v podmapo imenovano po arhivu."
HELP_EXAMPLE1 = "%n%nPrimer:"
HELP_EXAMPLE2 = "%n %s c:\1\primer.zip c:\test"
HELP_NOARGS = "%n%nZagon %s brez stikala%npozove uporabnika k ustvaritvi imena datoteke in ciljne mape."

; Error messages
CANNOT_LOG = "%s Razpakiranje ni bilo zabeleženo."
CANNOT_FIND = "%s ni bilo mogoče najti."
CANNOT_EXTRACT = "%s se ne da razpakirati.%nZaznana vrsta datoteke je: %s%n%nKlikni V redu, če želiš sam analizirati datoteko, ali Prekliči za izhod."
UNKNOWN_EXT = "%s%nima neznano začetnico in ni bilo možno razpakirati."
INVALID_DIR = "%s%nni mogoče ustvariti. Prosim izberi veljaven cilj."
EXTRACT_FAILED = "%s ni bilo mogoče razpakirati.%nIzgleda da je %s, kar je podprto, toda razpakiranje je spodletelo.%nProsim preglej zabeležno datoteko, %s, za več podatkov.%n%nKlikni V redu za pregled zabeležne datoteke, ali Prekliči za izhod."

; Preferences page
PREFS_CAPTION = "Nastavi možnosti programa"
PREFS_DESCRIPTION = "Katere možnosti Universal Extractor-ja bi rad nastavil?"
PREFS_LABEL1 = "Če hočeš spremeniti privzeto obnašanje Universal Extractor-ja, lahko spremeniš naslednje možnosti."
PREFS_LABEL2 = "Te možnosti lahko spremeniš po namestitvi s spremembo UniExtract.ini."
LANGUAGE_LABEL = "Privzeti Jezik"
DEBUG_LABEL = "Mesto razhroščevlne datoteke"
APPEND_EXT_LABEL = "&Dodaj manjkajoče začetnice datotek"
HISTORY_LABEL = "&Ohranjaj zgodovino arhiva"
REMOVE_DUPE_LABEL = "Odstrani &podvojene datoteke"
REMOVE_TEMP_LABEL = "Odstrani &začasne datoteke"

; Tasks page
ASSOCIATE = "&Omogoči Explorerjevo integracijo"
ASSOCIATE_FILES = "Dodaj UniExtract &Datoteke... v Explorerjev kontekst menu"
ASSOCIATE_HERE = "Dodaj UniExtract &Tukaj v Explorerjev kontekst menu"
ASSOCIATE_SUBDIR = "Dodaj UniExtract v &Podmapo v Explorerjev kontekst menu"
ASSOCIATE_FORCE = "Prisili &povezavo z vsemi podprtimi vrstami arhivov"
MODIFY_PATH = "Dodaj Universal Extractor v tvojo sistemsko &pot"
START_MENU_ICON = "Ustvari Start &Menu ikone"
DESKTOP_ICON = "Ustvari &ikono namizja"
QUICK_LAUNCH_ICON = "Ustvari i&kono za Hitri Zagon"

; Context Menu integration
EXTRACT_FILES = "UniExtract &Datoteke......"
EXTRACT_HERE = "UniExtract &Tukaj"
EXTRACT_SUB = "UniExtract v &Podmapo"

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

By All!