Universal Extractor

Univeral Extractor Slovenian Translation v1.6

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Universal Extractor Language File
; Written for Universal Extractor 1.6
; Author: Drago Kraner (NVT Team)
; Translation Instructions:
; Copy this file to a new file named after the new language
; Eg: A language file for the German language would be named German.ini.
; Replace the English words and phrases with their native equivalents,
; attempting to match the English phrasing and case-sensitivity as
; closely as possible for the sake of consistency
; Update the Author and Homepage information at the top of your new language
; file. Simply delete the Homepage line if you don't have one.
; Save the file in Unicode (UTF-8) format and Zip it to preserve formatting
; E-mail new language files to <removed> for inclusion in main
; Universal Extractor installer
; The following symbols have special meanings:
; & - when used in a GUI label or button, it precedes the letter that will
; be registered as a "hotkey" for that function
; %n - indicates a newline character, which will be replaced when displayed
; %t - indicates a tab character, which will be replaced when displayed
; %s - indicates a string variable that UniExtract will replace when displayed
; The contents each %s variables is hardocded into UniExtract.
; The order and number of %s variables is very important and should not
; be modified.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; GUI labels and buttons
OK_BUT = "& OK"
CANCEL_BUT = "&Prekliči"
MAIN_DEST_DIR_LABEL = "&Ciljni imenik:"
MAIN_FILE_LABEL = "&Arhiv / Namesti, za ekstrakcijo,"
MENU_FILE_LABEL = "& Datoteka"
MENU_EDIT_LABEL = "M&ožnosti "
MENU_HELP_WEB_LABEL = "%s& Spletna stran"
PREFS_UNIEXTRACT_OPTS_LABEL = Universal Extractor Možnosti
PREFS_HISTORY_LABEL = "& Spremenite jezik"
PREFS_FORMAT_OPTS_LABEL = "Format-Posebne Možnosti
PREFS_DEBUG_LABEL = "& Imenik za poročilo"
PREFS_WARN_EXECUTE_LABEL = "& Opozorilo pred začetkom uporabe"
PREFS_REMOVE_DUPE_LABEL = "& Odstrani podvojene datoteke"
PREFS_REMOVE_TEMP_LABEL = " Odstrani & začasne datoteke"
PREFS_APPEND_EXT_LABEL = "& Dodaj končnice datotek"
METHOD_ADMIN_RADIO = "% s Upravni Vgradnja"
METHOD_EXTRACTION_RADIO = "% s ekstrakcijo"
METHOD_HEADER = "% s ekstrakcijo"
METHOD_MSI_REQUIRES_LABEL = "msi2xml zahteva"
METHOD_RADIO_LABEL = "Metoda ekstrahiranja"
METHOD_SWITCH_RADIO = "%s parametrom"
METHOD_NOTIS_RADIO = "Ni InstallShield objekt"
METHOD_TEXT_LABEL = "%s podpira naslednje metode ekstrakcije %s paketov. Na žalost pa te metode niso 100% zanesljivi. Če je začetna metoda ne uspe, zaženite % in %s ponovno izberite alternativno metodo."
METHOD_UNPACKER_RADIO = "%s Ekstrakcija"

; GUI control functions
DOES_NOT_EXIST = "ne obstaja.%n"
EXTRACT_TO = "Razpakiraj v"
INVALID_DIR_SELECTED = "%s ni veljavna mapa."
INVALID_FILE_SELECTED = "%sProsim izberi veljavno ime."
OPEN_FILE = "Odpri datoteko"
SELECT_FILE = "Izberi datoteko"
WRITE_TO = "Zapiši v"

; Common terms
TERM_COMPRESSED = "Kompresirana datoteke"
TERM_DISK = "Disk"
TERM_EBOOK = "E-knjige"
TERM_ECARD = "Razglednico"
TERM_ENCODED = "Šifrirano datoteko"
TERM_EXECUTABLE = "Izvedljive datoteke"
TERM_HELP = "Help File"
TERM_HOTFIX = "Sprotnem popravku"
TERM_IMAGE = "Podobo"
TERM_PATCH = "Popravek"
TERM_UNKNOWN = "Neznano"
TERM_UNPACKED = "Raspakirano"
TERM_UPDATER = "Nadgradnja"

; Status messages
SCANNING_FILE = "Pregled datoteke za določitev vrste datoteke."
SCANNING_EXE = "Pregled datoteke z %s pregledom."
EXTRACTING = "Razpakiranje datotek iz:"
INIT_WAIT = "Čakam da namestitelj začne.%nProsim počakaj."

; Custom prompts
CONVERT_CDROM = "%s CD-ROM-u datoteke, ne morejo biti neposredno raspakirane. Namesto%n tega bodo pretvorjene v ISO datoteka,%n koja bo raspakirana.%n %n Ali želite nadaljevati?%n Napomena: Postopek lahko traja nekaj minut."
CONVERT_CDROM_STAGE1_FAILED = "Napaka: CD-ROM-u datoteke ni mogoče pretvoriti. NIF%s te BIN / CUE datoteke, poskrbite, da pravilno Palica zapisov datotek."
CONVERT_CDROM_STAGE2_FAILED = "Napaka: ISO datoteka se ustvari v%n %s ,%n datoteka vendar ne more biti spremenjena.%n Ali želite obdržati ISO datoteke za nadaljnjo analizo?"
CONVERT_BIN_MISSING = "Napaka:%n %s \%s %s %n datoteka ni bilo mogoče najti.%n %%%n Potrebne tako s.bin in s.cue datoteke."
INIT_COMPLETE = "Initialization %s. Prosim zapusti namestitelja, zatem klikni "V redu" za nadaljevanje."
WISE_MSI_PROMPT = "Zabeležka: Ta metoda deluje le z "Wise for Windows Installer" paketi.%nČe "Wise Installation Wizard" začne in preprosto čaka na vnos, ta datoteka ni%npodprta. Prosim zapusti namestitelja %s bo opustil razpakiranje.%n%nnŽeliš nadaljevati?"
UNPACK_PROMPT = "Ta datoteka je zapakirana s %s kompresijo, a ni mogoče razpakirati.%nMorda zato, ker ta vrsta datotek ni podprta, ali ker%nsploh ni datotek za razpakiranje.%n%nAli hočeš razpakirati to datoteko?%n%nZabeležka: Razpakirana datoteka bo imenovana:%n%s\%s_unpacked.%s"
UNPACK_FAILED = "Napaka:%s %n Ni bilo možno razpakirati.
WARN_EXECUTE = "Opozorilo:%n DA, bi se iz uporabe paketa izdelale datoteke, ki so potrebne za uporabo.%n Če želite nadaljevati, se izvede naslednji ukaz:%n %n %s %n %n Če menijo, da vloga ne izvira iz zanesljivih virov, zagon ni priporočljiva.%n Ali želite nadaljevati? "

; Help text
HELP_SUMMARY = "Razpakiraj datoteke iz vsakega arhiva ali namestitelja."
HELP_SYNTAX = "%nUporaba: %s [/help] [ime:datoteke [cilj]]"
HELP_ARGUMENTS = "%n%nPodprta stikala:"
HELP_HELP = "%n /help%t%tPrikaz te pomoči"
HELP_FILENAME = "%n filename%tIme datoteke za razpakiranje"
HELP_DESTINATION = "%n ciljna%tMapa v katero razpakiraj"
HELP_SUB = "%n%nPodajanje /sub namesto navodila o ciljni mapi%n%s razpakiraj v podmapo imenovano po arhivu."
HELP_EXAMPLE1 = "%n%nPrimer:"
HELP_EXAMPLE2 = "%n %s c:\1\primer.zip c:\test"
HELP_NOARGS = "%n%nZagon %s brez stikala%npozove uporabnika k ustvaritvi imena datoteke in ciljne mape."

; Error messages
CANNOT_LOG = "%s Razpakiranje ni bilo zabeleženo."
CANNOT_DEBUG = "poročilo ne more biti shranjena v%n "%s "%n Namesto, da se shranijo v začasni imenik uporabnikov."
CANNOT_EXTRACT = "%s se ne da razpakirati.%nZaznana vrsta datoteke je: %s%n%nKlikni V redu, če želiš sam analizirati datoteko, ali Prekliči za izhod."
UNKNOWN_EXT = "%s%nima neznano začetnico in ni bilo možno razpakirati."
INVALID_DIR = "%s%nni mogoče ustvariti. Prosim izberi veljaven cilj."
EXTRACT_FAILED = "%s ni bilo mogoče razpakirati.%nIzgleda da je %s, kar je podprto, toda razpakiranje je spodletelo.%nProsim preglej zabeležno datoteko, %s, za več podatkov.%n%nKlikni V redu za pregled zabeležne datoteke, ali Prekliči za izhod."

; Components page
COMP_DOCS = "Informacije o dokumentaciji in licenciranje"
COMP_LANG = "večjezičnega paketa za mednarodno podporo"
COMP_ACE = "Podpora za ACE datoteke"
COMP_KGB = "Podpora za KGB datoteke"
COMP_PEA = "Podpora za grah datoteke"
COMP_SIT = "Podpora za StuffIt datoteke"

; Preferences page
PREFS_CAPTION = "Nastavitev možnosti programa"
PREFS_DESCRIPTION = "Kakšne so možnosti, ki jih želite ekstrahirati Universal prilagodi?"
PREFS_LABEL1 = "Nastavite lahko naslednje možnosti za prilagoditev delovanja Universal Extract"
PREFS_LABEL2 = "Te možnosti lahko spremeniš, ko se namestitvijo, spreminjanjem UniExtract.ini."
LANGUAGE_LABEL = "Start-jezik"
DEBUG_LABEL = "Lokacija Poročila"
APPEND_EXT_LABEL = "& Dodaj datoteke s končnicami, ki so manjkajoči"
HISTORY_LABEL = "No & MTI arhiv"
REMOVE_DUPE_LABEL = "& Odstrani podvojene datoteke"
REMOVE_TEMP_LABEL = "Odstrani & začasne datoteke"
WARN_EXECUTE_LABEL = "& Opozorilo pred začetkom uporabe"

; Tasks page
Pomočnik = "& Integracija v Windows Explorer"
ASSOCIATE_FILES = "& Dodaj UniExtract Files ... v smislu-meni"
ASSOCIATE_HERE = "& Dodaj UniExtract Tukaj v smislu-meni"
ASSOCIATE_SUBDIR = "Dodaj UniExtract v podobmočju & imenika v smislu-meni"
ASSOCIATE_FORCE = "& Združi St E podprti arhiv formati"
MODIFY_PATH = "Dodaj Universal Ekstraktor & sistem v pogodbi o vlakovni poti"
DESKTOP_ICON = "Dodaj ikono na vrhu Desk &"
QUICK_LAUNCH_ICON = "& Dodaj Quick Launch ikono"
SENDTO_ICON = Dodaj & Pošlji V ikono "

; Context Menu integration
EXTRACT_FILES = "UniExtract & Files ..."
EXTRACT_HERE = "UniExtract & Tukaj"
EXTRACT_SUB = "& UniExtract v Subdirectory"

Problem installing v1.6

OS = WinXP Pro SP3
Application = WinZip 12.0 (most recent version)

Problem is similar to the problem reported in the post "Problem installing v1.5" dated 3/30/2007. Installation fails with Windows error dialog box that reads (I'd upload a screenshot, but I don't know how):

Error creating registry key:

RegCreateKeyEx failed; code 5
Access is denied.

Click Retry to try again, Ignore to proceed anyway, or Abort to cancel installation.

Pressing Retry does not help, pressing Ignore leads to the same error for the following 5 keys:

then pressing Ignore cycles to the first key above and so on. The only working option is Abort, so at this time UEv1.6 can NOT be installed.

What do you suggest? Do you need any further information from me?

how can i extract this exe.. universal extractor wont do


i have this exe file which has drivers on it. I want to extract this file.. but my windows wont let me run it..

I want to extract this file in order to get the files inside it. i ve tried many programs.. none do..

PEID tells me.. this is not a valid PE.

Can you help me.. how to extract this file...??

I believe it is a WISE.


Even if it works under XP..(i am using Vista) I'd like to know how to extract it.

Please help me..
