Universal Extractor

Problem running or extracting executable file

I've downloaded Visual Studio 2003 from the MSDN Web site, which was saved on my computer as an .exe file. Simply clicking on the file to run it will not install the program so I tried using Uniextract to try to extract the files and then install the program. Uniextract examined the file and brought up an error message stating that it could not extract the files because it was not a valid PE file. What do I need to do in order to install the program on my computer (my OS is Windows XP Professional). I've also tried running it from the command line without success. Can anyone help me out?

extracted files undeletable

been using the extractor on many programs to get them portable. Works on most, not so on few, and rarely some of these leave a nasty gift, a small file that cannot be deleted, not by plain deleting or tools like killbox. I guess formatting would do it, but too harsh for now. Back to the files, I caught three of those by now, they have no names or extensions, are small (7kb, 26kb, and 36kb), and the only thing you can do with them is move them in moving the directory they are in. They are very sensitive and want to be left alone ("source file or disk cannot be read","directory cannot be deleted, it's not empty", like that).
The first came with Idontknowwhichprogramextraction, the second is in a folder that's called winamp5552_full_emusic-7plus_en-us, so unless it's there by mistake it came with it. The third baby I got yesterday, when extracting FileZilla_3.2.5_win32 (unnecessary, because they offer a portable, doh).

Any ideas like why and what to do against? Thanks.

(.exe) Installer File Not Support, Please Help!

I could not extract an .exe which is a new type of .exe I guess that DVDInfoPro are using, I think they coded the installer them selves, or maybe it's a commercial security feature.

If you could find the perfect way to get the DVDInfoProHD .exe extracted, please do someone look into it, and in the near future I hope to see the update of UniExtract, Thanks.

Here is the the official sites link:

I hope someone found this useful!

Source code weird problem!

I just downloaded the source code from it coz there is a packed file I wont to add to it and unpack my file. My problem is : I didnt change anything on source codes just compiled script and runned, but there come an error like , Line-1 error: Variable used without being declared?

My question is how do I have to go forward to add a cability to extract other formats in the script? is there any tuts for it ?

Thank you...

Can't extract mxp file

I just downloaded Universal Extractor 1.6 in hope that it would extract an mxp file but no dice. Maybe this can be added to the next version. This would be great because you either have to buy Adobe FLASH at ridiculous prices or buy a third party program to extract this. I'm using freeware tools to develop FLASH apps so this is not an option. The file can be downloaded at:


VirusTotal detects 5/37 potential threats

I just scanned the latest no-intsall package of Universal Extractor 1.6 on VirusTotal and it found 5 "threats":


Since they are all in the generic trojan/downloader category I don't think they are true positives but some warning is in order I think.

This is actually one less than the previous version which I have been using for some time:
