Site Status

Submitted by jbreland on Sat, 01/25/2003 - 22:36

I've made a good bit of progress towards rebuilding this site. All of the previous modules are available again, as well as a couple new ones. Some cavets, though:

DailyStrips has been giving me trouble for the last week or so by only downloading about half of the strips it's supposed to. I've finally traced the problem to a perl upgrade I performed last weekend. I got the main problem worked out, but it still won't download the last two strips. I'm looking into it.

The Open Directory module isn't loading correctly. Working on this, but in the meantime it's unusable.

I uploaded all my pictures back to the photo gallery, but I still have to go back and comment all of them.

WeatherCenter seems to be still acting a bit flakey. The problem appears to be DNS-related, and since the root DNS servers are currently being DDOSed, hopefully that'll pass soon.

Finally, all of my Web Links were also wiped out. I'll be reentering them, but it'll take awhile to get all 156 or so back online.

As a final note, I'll soon start restricting access to certain modules (such as the SSH Applet and Query Tools) to registered members only, for security purposes. If you'd like to continue using this tools, please register.

Starting Over or I'm a Dumbass

Submitted by jbreland on Sat, 01/25/2003 - 05:40 is currently being recreated from scratch. I'd been having problems with certain parts of it and figured a clean install would help, but unfortunately I did a really poor job of backing the site up before blasting the database information. Oops.

Anyway, I'm working on getting it back up as soon as possible. I'm also planning some new additions, so be sure to check back soon. Any suggestions for further improvement are also always welcome, so feel free to e-mail me.