Source code weird problem!

I just downloaded the source code from it coz there is a packed file I wont to add to it and unpack my file. My problem is : I didnt change anything on source codes just compiled script and runned, but there come an error like , Line-1 error: Variable used without being declared?

My question is how do I have to go forward to add a cability to extract other formats in the script? is there any tuts for it ?

Thank you...

This is due to some changes in recent versions of AutoIt. The recommendation is that, if you want to compile your own version, you should stick with a 3.2.10.x version for now, until I get a chance to update UniExtract to fix the issues (which likely won't be anytime soon).

For some additional details on the topic, including a possible workaround to use newer versions of AutoIt, please see this thread:


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