v1.6 beta - Unable to unpack Inno Setup file

I'm trying to unpack an Inno Setup installer thats suspected of malware, but UE has presented an error telling me it doesn't support the Inno version used?

Signature detected: Inno Setup Setup Data (5.1.13)
This is not directly supported, but i'll try to unpack it as version 5110
; Version detected: 5113
Critical error: The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program.
Unpacking failed. This version is not supported.

Are there any plans to add support for this and newer versions of Inno?

UniExtract relies on innounp for extracting files from Inno Setup packages. Unfortunately, nearly every recent release of Inno Setup has broken file compatibility with older versions, and innounp hasn't been able to keep up. This thread on the innounp forum describes the issue, and also includes links to test versions that work with newer versions of Inno Setup. I'm planning on including the latest test version in the final 1.6 release (assuming a new final version hasn't been released by then).


Try my version of updated Universal Extractor 1.6 beta


1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (11/07/2008):
Updated "7z.dll" to newest 4.59 alpha 4 build
Updated "7z.exe" to newest 4.59 alpha 4 build

1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (10/06/2008):
Updated "7z.dll" to newest 4.59 alpha 3 build
Updated "7z.exe" to newest 4.59 alpha 3 build

1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (10/06/2008):
Updated "7z.dll" to newest 4.59 alpha 2 build

1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (26/05/2008):
Updated "upx.exe" to newest 3.03 build
Updated "7z.exe" to newest 4.58 build

1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (08/05/2008):

Updated "innounp.exe" to newest 0.23 (080318) enhanced nightly build (finally work with newest Inno Setup 5.2.3)
Updated "7z.dll" to newest 4.58 beta build
Updated some others files which I don't remember now :P
Fixed some minnor bugs


DOWNLOAD - http://rapidshare.de/files/39977488/Universal_Extractor_1.6_beta__Virtual_ManPL_MOD_.7z.html

I updated my build ;)


1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (26/07/2008):
Updated "innounp.exe" to newest 0.23 (080625) enhanced nightly build

1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (20/07/2008):
Updated "7z.dll" to newest 4.59 alpha 5 build
Updated "7z.exe" to newest 4.59 alpha 5 build


DOWNLOAD - http://rapidshare.de/files/40085887/Universal_Extractor_1.6_beta__Virtual_ManPL_MOD_.7z.html


Next update xD


1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (08/08/2008):
Updated "innounp.exe" to newest 0.23 (080808) enhanced nightly build

1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (31/07/2008):
Updated "7z.dll" to newest 4.59 alpha 6 build
Updated "7z.exe" to newest 4.59 alpha 6 build


DOWNLOAD - http://rapidshare.de/files/40198247/Universal_Extractor_1.6_beta__Virtual_ManPL_MOD_.7z.html


Next update ;)


1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (27/08/2008):
Updated "innounp.exe" to newest 0.23 (080824) enhanced nightly build

1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (20/08/2008):
Updated "7z.dll" to newest 4.60 beta build
Updated "7z.exe" to newest 4.60 beta build

1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (13/08/2008):
Updated "7z.dll" to newest 4.59 beta build
Updated "7z.exe" to newest 4.59 beta build


DOWNLOAD - http://rapidshare.de/files/40335246/Universal_Extractor_1.6_beta__Virtual_ManPL_MOD_.7z.html



Looks very interesting! Will you include the sourcecode of your mods?

This is all under the GNU Public License, after all. It would also relieve much suspicion of user-modifications to well-known programs. Wouldn't want to download it and pick up a new rootkit, after all. hehe :)

Looking forward to your reply.

Hello joebones,

I dont have source code, because I dont compilate this ;)
I have already compilated EXE from sites xD
You may look if you are that intrested in source ;)

7z.dll & 7z.exe from 7-Zip - Oficial Site
upx.exe from UPX - Oficial Site
innounp.exe from "secret" ;)

and "Updated some others files which I don't remember now :P" from I dont remember LULZ xD


@ jbreland - We sill waiting for your official release

Next update ;)


1.6 beta (Virtual_ManPL MOD) (12/09/2008):
Updated "Expander.exe" to newest build
Updated "msi2xml.exe" to newest build


DOWNLOAD - DOWNLOAD - http://rapidshare.de/files/40591813/Universal_Extractor_1.6_beta__Virtual_ManPL_MOD_.7z.html


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