7-Zip component is now insecure (needs to be updated to v. 4.57 current version)

Secunia Software Inspector keeps complaining at me because the 7-zip component of Universal Extractor is now insecure, i.e. it needs to be updated to v. 4.57 due to a security problem with earlier versions. Any chance the 7-zip component of Universal Extractor can be updated to the current version? If that is not possible at this time, can I update it (directly) manually on my PC?

MysteryFCM (not verified)

Tue, 04/08/2008 - 07:36


1. Download UE_-_7z_-_4-57.zip from;


Drop the DLL and EXE into the UE Bin folder .... or

2. Download 7z457.exe from;


Extract the exe using UE, then drop the DLL and EXE from it, into the UE Bin folder :)


Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group / hpHosts
it-mate.co.uk / hosts-file.net

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