Line 0 (File "C:\Prog................AutoFlac.exe


a couple of month ago I used already autoflac with eac together and it worked fine and made work easier. I also had the problem once
with "Error: Unable to execute the external program." It looks like the general problem with metaflac and the option replay-gain. I could fix it in the past but not now anymore. I made everything force and back. Directory in autofalc has to be equal to directory path in eac minus filename. I do not know any more what else I should do. Where is the point with this mistake?!


this is the output from regedit. The double-slashes must be a converting mistake. They do not exist in the regedit. The location of flac,metaflac and eac are under Program Files =>Exact Audio Copy respectivly for flac also => flac(watch below).

"imgscheme"="%A - %C"
"eac"="C:\\Program Files\\Exact Audio Copy\\EAC.exe"
"flac"="C:\\Program Files\\Exact Audio Copy\\Flac\\flac.exe"
"metaflac"="C:\\Program Files\\Exact Audio Copy\\metaflac.exe"

Here another one where I used flac from autoflac but also doesn´t work:

"imgscheme"="%A - %C"
"eac"="C:\\Program Files\\Exact Audio Copy\\EAC.exe"
"flac"="C:\\Program Files\\Exact Audio Copy\\flac.exe"
"metaflac"="C:\\Program Files\\Exact Audio Copy\\metaflac.exe"

Well, well, well. I made a lot of combinations but forgot one. The choice of the language. Could it be that Autoflac only works proper if in EAC the language is set to english? Because now it works after I don`t know how many attempts. Please mention this point in your readme or did I missed something?

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