"Spoon Installer" support

Hi all,

I think i found a way to extract files from setups generated with the SpoonInstaller (http://Spoon-Installer.sourceforge.net/).

I wrote a small windows batchscript to unpack the OpenTFTPServer setup (http://tftp-server.sourceforge.net/).
You can find it here: http://wwwhomes.uni-bielefeld.de/joehlschlaeger/unpSpoonInst.cmd.txt

It has not been tested on any other SpoonInstaller, yet.

More information and the requirements can be found inside the file.

Have fun and I apologize for my mad english skills :)

Thanks! I always appreciate new suggestions, and especially new utilities to facilitate unpacking/extracting. It'll probably be a while before I get back into UniExtract development, but I'll see if I can test this out sometime soon to at least provide some feedback here regarding my own results.

Thanks again.


No problem.

I recently added support for sub-directories and dBpoweramp is now support (with one small exception).

I'll test more installers as i find them, but as i'm not searching after them actively, I appreciate any directions/suggestions.


if someone tried the script recently it couldn't work.
I built it with sfk v1.3.5 but the current version is 1.5.4 and there where some changes affecting my script.
Now it's working with both version an possible more.
Some minor stuff was fixed/improved as well.

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