Autoit problems

When I try to extract files a popup window says "Autoit error
Line -1:
Error: Unable to execute the external program.
The system cannot find the file specified.
| Ok | "
It does it on two computers one with a older v1.6b & the other with the latest verson. I tried uninstalling then reinstalling but still the same problem.
One is 2K the other is XPpro.

Snail (not verified)

Fri, 01/02/2009 - 14:01

Same here.

I had 1.5 installed on a WinXP OS and uninstalled it to install 1.6.
Everything seems fine in the install and running, but when it goes to extract, error!
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I uninstalled it, and reinstalled 1.5 and now 1.5 errors.
Same type of error, just a little more detail.

Tried gutting the registry, flushing cache and temp folders, rebooting, etc.
Neither build work now :(

I don't know what's causing this at this point, but you're not the only person that's reported it. I'm investigating, and will get back to you once I have some more information.


Anonymous (not verified)

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 15:29

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

InfoScope can identify nearly 4 times the number of packers as PeID and InfoScope gives you info on how to unpack the file.
Don't know if it can be modified to this project but worth looking into I think.

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