Lookin for help in adding a more powerful extraction feature to common Morrowind utility

First, the 2 threads I have started in the Bethesda forums on this topic:


TESMU - The Elder Scrolls Mod Utility -

What I am looking for someone to do is write the code (C++) to add an extraction feature for .rar, .ace and 7Z.
As the utility is now it will extract files that are .zip. It will also archive in .zip format. If it could be made to extract the 3 extentions above it would be much more useful than it is even now.
The complication will come into installing them in the corrct filepath. But this could be discussed later if I can find someone willing to take up the project.

It goes without saying all due credit would be given to whoever can do this.
I can be reached at sandman_elderfan@yahoo.com or as sandman101 in the Bethesda forums.

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