Modify Path - Inno setup


i've used the ModPath script. all works ok if the string does not exist in the environment path. However, when run for a second time I receive the following runtime error - Exception: Operation Aborted.

Has anyone seen this before? Perhaps i'm missing some files or functionality somewhere - maybe from my calling script?!?



I'm afraid I don't follow what you're asking. First of all, which version are you using? The .exe, or the .iss w/ Inno Setup?

"works ok if the string does not exist in the environment path" - what do you mean by string? Do you mean the directory you're attempting to add? If so, then this is correct behavior - if it already exists in the PATH, then there's nothing to do.

"when run for a second time I receive the following runtime error - Exception: Operation Aborted." - this is extremely vague. Again, is this coming from the .exe file or from an Inno Setup installer using the .iss script? If the latter, does this occur when you're reinstalling the application on top of itself, or after uninstalling then reinstalling again? Are you able to provide a screenshot, or perhaps post any more details that may be included in the error message?

"Perhaps i'm missing some files or functionality somewhere - maybe from my calling script?!?" - can you list the exact command(s) you're running?


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