Wishlist: UNC Path Support

It's a fantastic utility - I just wish it would work when browsing a UNC path, such as \\server\software\blah - I think it's a command prompt limitation, so not expecting you'd be able to do too much about it...

I think that's a very valid request. I'll have to do some research on the issue, though. I think it's possible to make cmd.exe support UNC paths, but I believe the app has to support UNC paths as well, which also complicates the issue. I'll definitely look into it, though.

Thanks for the suggestion.


If I may suggest? The easiest way is probably to hack around the problem:

* Copy the file (and unpacker?) to a temporary directory.
* Unpack stuff.
* Move the results to the original UNC path.

"Being right is rarely a victory." -- Solomon Short

I just fixed this in the dev version. Oddly enough, it appears that the actual extraction though cmd.exe works fine - it was the way I was building the output path that was causing the issue. I added some additional path verification and everything seems to work fine now.

Note, however, that this has only been tested on my system, and my system is far from normal. :-) I'd appreciate it if one (or both) of you could do some more thorough testing when I release the beta.


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