@echo off :: Setup environment set CDROM=f :: Goto appropriate menu if x%1%==x goto all goto %1% goto exit :: Display selection menu for all games :all echo C. Crusader: No Remorse echo D. Descent II echo O. Doom* echo U. Duke Nukem 3D echo H. Heretic* echo R. Heroes of Might and Magic* echo M. MechWarrior 2 echo N. Nesticle echo I. Nibbles echo P. Privateer* echo S. Star Wars: Dark Forces echo F. Strife echo T. Terminal Velocity echo A. The Terminator: SkyNET and Future Shock echo B. Tomb Raider Gold echo W. Wing Commander* echo. echo E. Exit echo. :: Process selection choice /c:cdouhrmnipsftabwe /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 17 goto exit if errorlevel 16 goto wing-menu if errorlevel 15 goto tombraid if errorlevel 14 goto skynet if errorlevel 13 goto tv if errorlevel 12 goto strife if errorlevel 11 goto dark if errorlevel 10 goto privateer-menu if errorlevel 9 goto nibbles if errorlevel 8 goto nesticle if errorlevel 7 goto mech2 if errorlevel 6 goto homm-menu if errorlevel 5 goto heretic if errorlevel 4 goto duke3d if errorlevel 3 goto doom-menu if errorlevel 2 goto descent2 if errorlevel 1 goto crusader :: Display selection menu for games with no special optimizations :basic echo 1. Descent II echo 2. Doom* echo 3. Duke Nukem 3D echo 4. Heretic* echo 5. Heroes of Might and Magic* echo 6. MechWarrior 2 echo 7. Nesticle echo 8. Nibbles echo 9. Strife echo a. Terminal Velocity echo. echo E. Exit echo. :: Process selection choice /c:123456789ae /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 10 goto exit if errorlevel a goto tv if errorlevel 9 goto strife if errorlevel 8 goto nibbles if errorlevel 7 goto nesticle if errorlevel 6 goto mech2 if errorlevel 5 goto homm-menu if errorlevel 4 goto heretic if errorlevel 3 goto duke3d if errorlevel 2 goto doom-menu if errorlevel 1 goto descent2 :: Display selection menu for games w/ CD and w/o EMS :noemscd echo 1. Crusader: No Remorse echo 2. The Terminator: SkyNET and Future Shock echo 3. Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Requires CD) echo 4. Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Requires CD) echo. echo E. Exit echo. :: Process selection choice /c:1234e /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 5 goto exit if errorlevel 4 goto wc4 if errorlevel 3 goto wc3 if errorlevel 2 goto skynet if errorlevel 1 goto crusader :noemscdextreme echo 1. Privateer 2: The Darkening (Requires CD) echo. echo E. Exit echo. :: Process selection choice /c:1e /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 2 goto exit if errorlevel 1 goto priv2 :: Display selection menu for games w/ EMS and extreme optimizations :emsextreme echo 1. Wing Commander echo 2. Wing Commander II: Vengence of the Kilrathi echo 3. Wing Commander II: Special Operations 1 echo 4. Wing Commander II: Special Operations 2 echo. echo E. Exit echo. :: Process selection choice /c:1234e /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 5 goto exit if errorlevel 4 goto wc2-2 if errorlevel 3 goto wc2-1 if errorlevel 2 goto wc2 if errorlevel 1 goto wc1 :: Display selection menu for games w/ CD and w/o EMS, Mouse, or SmartDrive :emscdnomnosd echo 1. Tomb Raider Gold echo. echo E. Exit echo. :: Process selection choice /c:1e /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 2 goto exit if errorlevel 1 goto tombraid :: Display selection menu for games w/o EMS or SmartDrive :noemsnosd echo 1. Star Wars: Dark Forces echo. echo E. Exit echo. :: Process selection choice /c:1e /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 2 goto exit if errorlevel 1 goto dark :: Display selection menu for games w/o EMS and extreme optimizations :noemsextreme echo 1. Wing Commander: Privateer echo 2. Wing Commander: Privateer: Righteous Fire echo. echo E. Exit echo. choice /c:12e /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 3 goto exit if errorlevel 2 goto rf if errorlevel 1 goto privater :crusader pushd d:\games\crusader c:\apps\fakecd.exe e:\crusader /l:%CDROM% >nul crusader.exe fakecd /uninstall >nul goto pop :descent2 pushd d:\games\descent2 descent2.exe -NoJoystick -NoNetwork -NoSerial if exist *.swp del *.swp goto pop :doom-menu echo 1. The Ultimate Doom echo 2. Doom II: Hell on Earth echo 3. Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment echo 4. Final Doom: TNT: Evilution echo. echo R. Return echo. choice /c:1234r /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 5 goto all if errorlevel 4 goto tnt if errorlevel 3 goto plutonia if errorlevel 2 goto doom2 if errorlevel 1 goto udoom :udoom pushd d:\games\dosdoom dosdoom.exe -iwad doom.wad goto pop :doom2 pushd d:\games\dosdoom dosdoom.exe -iwad doom2.wad goto pop :plutonia pushd d:\games\dosdoom dosdoom.exe -iwad plutonia.wad goto pop :tnt pushd d:\games\dosdoom dosdoom.exe -iwad tnt.wad goto pop :duke3d pushd d:\games\duke3d duke3d.exe goto pop :heretic-menu echo 1. Heretic echo 2. Hexen: Beyond Heretic echo. echo R. Return echo. choice /c:12r /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 3 goto all if errorlevel 2 goto hexen if errorlevel 1 goto heretic :heretic pushd d:\games\heretic heretic.exe goto pop :hexen pushd d:\games\hexen hexen.exe -nojoy goto pop :homm-menu echo 1. Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest echo 2. Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of Loyalty echo. echo R. Return echo. choice /c:12r /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 3 goto all if errorlevel 2 goto heroes2 if errorlevel 1 goto heroes :heroes pushd d:\games\heroes heroes.exe goto pop :heroes2 pushd d:\games\heroes2 heroes2.exe goto pop :mech2 pushd d:\games\mech2 c:\apps\fakecd.exe d:\games\mech2 /l:%CDROM% >nul mech2.exe c:\apps\fakecd.exe /unload >nul goto pop :nesticle pushd d:\games\nesticle nesticle.exe goto pop :nibbles c:\dos\qbasic.exe /run c:\dos\nibbles.bas goto skippop :privateer-menu echo 1. Wing Commander: Privateer echo 2. Wing Commander: Privateer: Righteous Fire echo 3. Privateer 2: The Darkening (Requires CD) echo. echo R. Return echo. choice /c:123r /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 4 goto all if errorlevel 3 goto priv2 if errorlevel 2 goto rf if errorlevel 1 goto privater :privater d: cd d:\games\privater priv.exe goto skippop :rf d: cd d:\games\privater rf.bat goto skippop :priv2 d: cd d:\games\priv2 dark.exe goto skippop :dark pushd d:\games\dark copy /q cd.id c: dark.exe del /q c:\cd.id goto pop :strife pushd d:\games\strife strife1.exe goto pop :tv pushd d:\games\tv tv.exe goto pop :skynet pushd d:\games\skynet c:\apps\fakecd.exe e:\skynet /l:%CDROM% >nul skynet.exe /j if exist *.swp del *.swp c:\apps\fakecd.exe /uninstall >nul goto pop :tombraid pushd d:\games\tombraid loadhigh c:\apps\fakecd.exe e:\tr1 /l:%CDROM% >nul tomb_crk.com %CDROM% tomb.exe c:\apps\fakecd.exe /uninstall goto pop :wing-menu echo 1. Wing Commander and The Secret Missions echo 2. Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2: Crusade echo 3. Wing Commander II: Vengence of the Kilrathi echo 4. Wing Commander II: Special Operations 1 echo 5. Wing Commander II: Special Operations 2 echo 6. Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger echo 7. Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom echo. echo R. Return echo. choice /c:1234567r /n Launch which game? if errorlevel 8 goto all if errorlevel 7 goto wc4 if errorlevel 6 goto wc3 if errorlevel 5 goto wc2-2 if errorlevel 4 goto wc2-1 if errorlevel 3 goto wc2 if errorlevel 2 goto wc1-2 if errorlevel 1 goto wc1 :wc1 d: cd d:\games\wc1 rem slowdown.com /MHz486:48 wc.exe cpucache.com off wc.exe cpucache.com on echo. goto skippop :wc1-2 d: cd d:\games\wc1 cpucache.com off sm2.exe cpucache.com on echo. goto skippop :wc2 d: cd d:\games\wc2 cpucache.com off wc2.exe cpucache.com on echo. goto skippop :wc2-1 d: cd d:\games\wc2 cpucache.com off so1.exe cpucache.com on echo. goto skippop :wc2-2 d: cd d:\games\wc2 cpucache.com off so2.exe cpucache.com on echo. goto skippop :wc3 pushd %CDROM%: mkdir c:\wc3 copy /q d:\games\wc3\wc3.* c:\wc3 wc3.exe copy c:\wc3\wc3.* d:\games\wc3 deltree /y c:\wc3 >nul goto pop :wc4 pushd d:\games\wc4 wc4.exe goto pop :pop popd :skippop rem c:\apps\ansiplus\setaplus.exe mode 03h height 8 rate 30 delay 1 :exit